
Solution Hub, Your Ultimate Magenet

Pull your teams, clients, and communities to co-create solutions and self-manage solution delivery journey.

Hub Sections

Customize your hub into multiple sections for better organizing different contents. Easy to change different views.

Hub Members

Hub host can invite members to join his or her private hub or launch it as a public hub to allow anyone can join.

Hub Buckets & Alerts

Self-manage solution or project action items in buckets and create alert reminders for milestones or events.


End The Scatter, Start Actionable Exploration

Unify your notes, thoughts, and ideas in one place and get ready to start actionable exploration.

Spark Home

All your sparks, organized and accessible in Spark Home. Easy to search or navigate month by month.

Spark Home

All your sparks, organized and accessible in Spark Home. Easy to search or navigate month by month.

Outline Maker

Based on selected spark posts, outline maker can suggest an actionable exploration plan.


End The Scatter, Start Actionable Exploration

Unify your notes, thoughts, and ideas in one place and get ready to start actionable exploration.

Empower Every Contributor

From teams, clients, or communities, you can setup a dedicated Hub to invite right members to the right hubs. This enables transparency and co-cration culture and ensure everyone can share a voice in solution-building process, enhancing engagement and leveraging diverse expertise.

Easy To Align With Solution Details

Solution Hub provides a shared space where hub members can read or write different contents for solution details. This ensures solution delivery team to align better with purpose and goals, from start to finish.

Self-Managed, Stay On Track Together

With Hub Buckets, organize tasks, and milestones into clear bucket list, easy to update at both task and bucket level. Hub Alerts keep the entire team informed of deadlines, milestones, and key updates, getting reminders about coming events.

Self-Managed, Stay On Track Together

With Hub Buckets, organize tasks, and milestones into clear bucket list, easy to update at both task and bucket level. Hub Alerts keep the entire team informed of deadlines, milestones, and key updates, getting reminders about coming events.

Self-Managed, Stay On Track Together

With Hub Buckets, organize tasks, and milestones into clear bucket list, easy to update at both task and bucket level. Hub Alerts keep the entire team informed of deadlines, milestones, and key updates, getting reminders about coming events.